The BCBUA Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Blaise Laveay will be appointed as the next Provincial Supervisor of Umpires in British Columbia’s long baseball history!
The latest version of Hey Blue! is now available at: Hey Blue! - Winter 2022
Thanks to editor Steve Boutang for putting another issue together. Past issues of Hey Blue! can also be found here
BCBUA is pleased to note that Rhonda Pauls, President of BCBUA, has been award the Umpire Developer of the year by Baseball Canada for her efforts in developing umpires both in BC and nationwide. Her leadership in developing an online platform for umpire training has benefited the profession across the country and ensured that BC continues to be a leader in umpire development in the country. You can read more details here:
As you may know, a portion of the US was devastated by tornadoes just before Christmas. See below for a message from Steve Boutang and details on how you can help.
Craig Burt recently made his Pro debut. Check it out here!
Check out this new online umpire development opportunity.
Please see attached for details relating to nominations for President and Treasurer at the association's upcoming AGM.
Please read the linked memo from Baseball BC to learn more about the latest Return to Play Update.
1)Level 1 and Level 2 e-Learning self directed clinics are NOW AVAILABLE
2)The course will be open from June 12th to July 4th ONLY - there will be NO MORE CLINICS after this date.
3) BCBUA members who have renewed their 2021 memberships and paid their fees can register at: